From on March 20, 2010 14:32:44 hmmm. Well, until I can afford a new mac or an upgrade to 10.6 I can't reproduce the problem to debug so we may be stuck for now. If it's not an access problem then it means the actual cmdline reading code in getcmdargs is failing to find null terminated strings representing the cmdline arguments. Why that might be I don't really know, perhaps the sysctl interface has changed in 10.6 or something along those lines. Did you get any errors when compiling with Can you go back and run ' clean' then run ' build' again to see if there's any warnings or compiler errors? Labels: OpSys-OSX.
Errors/Warnings compiling CLARK on macOS (10.12.6) Showing 1-2 of 2 messages. Thank you for your interest and reporting this issue. I had run some tests on several Mac computers and did not encounter this issue. I will test it again though and get back to you with updates. Here are the examples of the python api psutil.virtual_memory taken from open source projects. By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate. By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate. Despite similar, psi and psutil are two different projects maintained by different teams. Aside from the API, differences include support for different platforms (e.g. Psutil works on Windows and FreeBSD while psi works on Solaris and some other platforms which are not covered by psutil).
From on March 20, 2010 22:10:35 I've made the modification, cleaned, recompiled and reinstalled the code and ran through the same procedure, but there is no difference. No error is printed. From on March 25, 2010 17:23:29 Let's try cutting this down to a minimal app where we can reproduce the problem. Please download the attached arguments.c and compile it on your system (simple 'gcc arguments.c' should do it), then run it like so: user@host $ sudo./a.out getting PID for 8094 sysctl returned successfully arg151572:./a.out user@host $ sudo./a.out 62 getting PID for 62 sysctl returned successfully arg151601: /usr/sbin/coreaudiod Note the use of 'sudo' both times, and the first time you're running it with no arguments, second time around pass it the name of a known valid PID (the default is to use it's own PID, otherwise it uses the first argument). Let me know what you get for output, hopefully it reproduces the problem and you get an EINVAL error on all processes.
At least that way we can work in a smaller codebase.Jay Attachment. From on November 11, 2010 11:27:33 Funnily enough, I've just got access against a 10.6 64-bit box and everything is fine there: bash-3.2$ python2.7 Python 2.7 ( r27:82508, Jul 3 2010, 21:12:11) GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. Build 5493) on darwin Type 'help', 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information.
import psutil, os psutil.Process(os.getpid).cmdline '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/' ^D bash-3.2$ swvers ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.6.4 BuildVersion: 10F569 bash-3.2$.
Hi, I get a lot of warning messages complaining about implicit conversion loses when compiling on the iMac. Is this a known issue? May I safely ignore the warning messages, as such things always worry me? Looking at the code, it routinely implicitly casts unsigned integers to integers and this may be due to the standard C header files included with Mac OSX. For example, there is a line as such: rc = write(fd, 'S', 1); where rc is an int and write returns a ssizet. Is the LLVM Clang compiler supported by the authors of Sqlite3? Matt Davies sqlite-users mailing list.
BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 21/10/11 20:55, Matt Davies wrote: May I safely ignore the warning messages, as such things always worry me? Do be appear that compiler warnings are often useless nitpicking.
Making them go away can often make the code worse or hide later issues (eg casts). Is the LLVM Clang compiler supported by the authors of Sqlite3? Roger -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAk6iQS4ACgkQmOOfHg372QTHvgCcC+1ACXpW2CQYYxksttzP4vsW XOsAnj7MAb0L3iBkfIaqNWo72Z8LHLNP =guVT -END PGP SIGNATURE- sqlite-users mailing list.